Our Security Measures

Camera System
Our facility is guarded by a top of the line security system both inside and out. Our security system runs 24/7 to ensure that we know what is going on at Data Doc Imaging at all times. Should something go wrong, we are able to understand where, when, how, and who in minutes. However, we have many other features that keep anything from going wrong altogether.

Key Pad Entry
Every single door in our facility is equipped with keypad entry. This creates levels of security and ensures that no one can get to the documents we store, scan and convert without permission. Within our workspace, we make sure that each level has different codes; that way each employee can only get to what they need to.

Windowless Work Area
Though our building does have windows, the sections that work is done in is window free. This ensures that no one is able to break into a room and crawl right in. This window-free workspace includes all the spaces where we store, scan, and convert our documents.

Cinderblock Building
On top of having keypads, a window free workspace, and cameras, our building was specifically made with cinderblocks. This makes our building safe from driving break-ins as well as most forms of natural damage.

Employee Background Checks
None of our security measures would be worth the effort if we didn’t also vet our employees. Before hiring, each employee is interviewed and undergoes a throughout background check to ensure that your documents will be safe in their hands.